Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Magic of March

There comes a time of year when all sports fans across the country await. That time is now, when Spring is upon us we know one thing, it's March Madness time. College basketball's NCAA tournament is sure to give fans one thing, excitement. For fans, this tournament is so entertaining because it involves last second finishes, unbelievable plays, and the best of all, upsets. There's nothing better than watching a low seeded mid major beat one of the nations premier programs. Although these top seeded programs are better teams, there is a certain magic to March Madness where any team can win on any given day. At the beginning of every season, every Division 1 basketball program throughout America have making the NCAA tournament one of their goals. Because they know, regardless your ranking, record or even the size of your school anything can happen in March.

Another element of March Madness which gains the fans attention is filling out your own personal bracket. All over the internet you can print out the bracket of the 68 team field and fill it out, picking what team you think will win for every game over the tournament. Submitting their brackets into a poll with a fee forces fans to follow every single game closely. The further in the tournament your picks go the more points you get. Your goal is to pick the most amount of games right, the points for picking the right team goes up each time they advance. The most amount of points is given to the people who pick the National Champion correctly. Why this attracts fans attention is because they put money into a poll which means they can win a large cash prize for winning the poll. Therefore, they are highly interested in games that regularly mean nothing to them. But there comes a game in the tournament when fans forget about their bracket and root for the Cinderella team to go far.

Every year we will be filled with magical March moments and we will continue to get involved in all of these tournament games as if we are there at the arena. This is something sports fans wait for all year and it is a common enjoyment for any fans regardless who your team is.

PICTURED: The 2013 tournament had a Cinderella story yet again. The Florida Gulf Coast University basketball team was the first ever 15th seed to advance to the Sweet 16.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

There's Nothing Thicker Than Blood

Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania into an Italian family of thirty-three, all on my dads side of the family, and not to mention we all live within a few blocks of each other. At the helm is my grandmother and she is the one who has paved the way for all seventeen of her grandchildren, teaching us the true meaning of family and how they are the only people who will always have your back. Known to us as Nunny, she has been the glue to our family and other than our parents, she has been the most influential person in teaching us to always chase our dream. I speak for all nine of us boys when I say it seemed like she never missed a game.

Growing up, our lives revolved around football. All of the boys picture above went onto play college football, except one of us, me. Following in my fathers foot steps, I made the decision to pursue college baseball. My Nunny grew up watching my dad play and she was my biggest supporter when I went away from the pack and chose baseball. She attended pretty much every baseball game I could ever remember and her support along with my families helped shape me into the person I am today.

We're not your ordinary family, like I said we live within a few blocks of each other and that made us more like siblings. Seeing all of my cousins everyday, sharing every eventful thing with them, they're more to me than just cousins and aunts and uncles. My family is my everything. At the end of the day, you always know your family will be there for you. Friends come and go, but family, well your stuck with them forever, whether you like it or not. Lucky for me though, I couldn't live without my family.

We have our fair share of excitement as my cousins Bruce has been a quarterback in the NFL for eight seasons and we gather around grandmas television and almost bring the house down. My other cousin Gino, just finished his rookie season after winning a Super Bowl ring with the Baltimore Ravens in New Orleans. 

We're not just a big, dull italian family. Everything with us is fun, loud and full of energy. My parents always told me, never get too attached to a girl until they meet the family and experience how "crazy" we are. Because if they can't handle it well then they aren't the right one because its non stop chaos and I wouldn't rather have it any other way.

If it wasn't for my family, well, there's no telling where I'd be today. They helped shape me into the man I am today and always kept me on track for a successful future. This is especially true about my parents. I could have not wished for any better parents and I am so thankful that God blessed with me the ones he did. For my brothers and I we had anything imaginable growing up, whether it was an item such as Xbox, support in whatever we did or even just the love and comfort a kid needs. My parents paved the way for my brothers and me to not only be successful but also taught us to treat others with respect and kindness while acting with class.

There's a quote that is often used around my house, "blood is thicker than water" and that is always said to remind us that no matter what is going, no matter how good or how bad it is we will always have our family and for that I am so unbelievable grateful.