Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Barton College Football! Wait what?!

Why would a high school senior choose to come to the small town of Wilson, NC and attend Barton College? Barton is a small, private institution that strives on inspiring their students for a successful future. Although Barton has a great academic reputation, it is such a small school that it's tough for students to find it. Kids want their college experience to be full of fun; partying, participating in school organizations, playing a sport, hanging out with friends and they want to earn a degree along the way. Barton College needs to have something that no other small college in North Carolina has. What could that be, you might be wondering? Below I will give you one thing Barton can add to attract more students. 

In America today there is nothing more popular than football. It is the most popular sport in the United States and it is something that can attract a lot of fandom by the students and residents of the City of Wilson. Although football is not a cheap sport to start up, especially at a small college, in the end it would all pay off. This is not something that could happen over night, but with fundraising, donations, and dedication this private college could become a football school. Having a football team would bring Barton College not only more money and students but it would give this institution more recognition in the city of Wilson and its surrounding communities.

As a senior in high school and making your college visits, why would you attend Barton when they only take you around an average campus of about 1,200 students. College visit dates could be arranged that its on the same day as a home football game, and you could take potential students to the game and they could be attracted by an electric football stadium atmosphere. A big problem at Barton College is that many students, other than athletes go home on weekends. This means there isn't much to do on weekends and it pushes people away from Barton and that's why many people leave after their freshman year. That problem could be fixed by people planning to stay for home football games because they know that there will be a party or some event happening later. Saturday night would probably include a party hosted by what would be the most popular group of people on campus, the football team.

One big way to make money, is to get more students to attend Barton College. Not only would this attract more students that don't participate in a sport but it would add the football players, which could range anywhere from sixty to eighty student-athletes, and it would also add cheerleaders, which is about another twenty.

All of this would help the college bring in more money, but it would also give the college more opportunities for fundraising and events. Home football games would give the football program and college an opportunity to recognize an upcoming event or even recognize other teams in the school. Barton's homecoming weekend is only recognized at the home soccer games on that particular weekend. No offense, but how many alumni, other than soccer alum, would actually come to watch a soccer game against a random team. Having a football team, and eventually a football stadium, would certainly give Barton the chance to make homecoming weekend an "electric" environment throughout Wilson. You might be wondering, why would more alumni attending a football game help Barton College? I'll tell you why, the more alumni that come back on homecoming weekend, the more people you have to ask for donations. Obviously you aren't going to go up to alumni and say, "Can you donate some money to Barton College because your wealthy?" Not only is that rude, embarrassing, and impulsive but it also not effective. In order to make the most of wealthy alumni on your campus for a whole weekend, Barton College would need to be organized in planning events that would get them to donate without asking them. For example, a night at the races would be a great event to hold on the Friday before the game. This is when you are in a big room or event hall with food, beverages, and obviously alcoholic beverages. Tables would be set up and televisions would be all over the room, making sure everyone has a good vantage point of a television. Then throughout the night there would be simulated horse races played and people at the event would bet on horses. If they win, they would get raffle tickets to put into a drawing of their favorite prize. The prizes are at the front of the room, all donated from people throughout Wilson, the Barton community, or whoever else would want to donate. Each prize has a closed box in front of it, allowing winners to put their tickets into the box of the particular prize they hope to win.

I'm sure your thinking that Barton College benefits greatly from the fundraising and having a football team, but how does this attract kids to Barton? The more money Barton College can raise is the more that they can save in order to make improvements to the campus that will attract potential students. Football is an attraction within itself, but the opportunities it will make available for this private institution are endless. Keep in mind that all of this success, money, and plans might not happen right away, but all great things start small and grow into something great. 

Although it is unlikely that there will ever be a Barton College football team, due to how expensive and difficult it is, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. All it takes is for one person capable of starting a football team to believe in it and begin to plan and save. It's obvious that you can't have one meeting and just start a football program the next day, but Barton College should begin to plan now in order to set this institution up for a successful future. 

I am willing to bet that if this college started a football program, enrollment would go up vastly. Never underestimate the power of sports, especially when that sport is football, the most exciting and entertaining sport in America.